I Realized

I Realized

Something i Realized, i am not asking god to do for me anymore asking my creator to solve my problems or fix my life. i am not blaming the creator when things don't go the way i asked. I realized that god is not gonna do anything for me. that the only way i can truly tap the strength that comes from the creator is to Thank him, and do. what i mean is instead of asking him to do what i should have done or should do. I do what i ask of my creator to do for me. when i do this i have realized that things get done. when i am proactive in my life my creator then helps me overcome. and when i do this, theres nothing to complain about no blame for something i once blamed god for. Now i Thank my creator for everything that i have good n bad for its all a way to learn and become. to ask is okay but know i now that just asking for things and not doing anything to obtain what i ask for never gets answerd. so i have learned Do and Thank and then You will recieve the things you want and need. My creator may have created my light inside, everything else is up to me. i have choice everyday to Do and be happy and receive what i desire which makes me happy, or to keep asking for this for that for a bunch of things i expect god to just do for me. and then i dont do anything for myself. and then when the things you asked for never come to be. then we blame our creator when the truth is the whole outcome is up to you and me.

Believe you me, when i speak of god and my creator i am speaking of my creator with the help from Kabbalah and other religions. I do not believe in the god that is popular that is pushed by some religions as a very strict god that says certain things should not be when i know that my creator loves. and does not hate. and true love means no matter who or what we are, or which ever road we walk. even if its not the way others feel you should be. love is that power that trumps everything and then some. and the creator loves us for us and everything we are. any hate that comes from those who speak for their god is not apart of god i believe in.

I truly have a strong gratitude for Kabbalah for it showed me a side of my creator that i have never seen. when all others have expected me to fit a mold that to me was unrealistic because i am me. you cant mold me. and if i change for you, what good does that truly do me in the long run. Kabbalah has helped me find God. and for me it has changed my life. I love it for the love that flows threw it. for the open arms that welcome you in. and most of all for the acceptance that i am me and you are you. and thats okay. somethings you cant change, who you are is who you are. But being able to finally find a way that accepts that you are you and helps you change the things that are hurting you that can be changed not trying to make you something your not. its such a great thing. and i am so thankful for it. and it has fixed my life. in so many ways. and many of you have witnessed the change that came to be. with all that and all the peace from knowing i am me and thats okay. that god loves me anyways. is such a great feeling.

Kabbalah to me wont change who you are. thats the best thing that god gave us our individuality. that is what makes the world real is that we are all diffrent races, genders, etc.... what kabbalah will do is help you change the things that you know you have to change cause all's they ever do is cause you pain and suffering. thats all. For free it will show you the door to the love of god. and the creator will love you for you. not for what other try to make you.

Never give up. Never give in. Love is Love, there are never any if and's or butts in Love. when it comes from places way higher than up above.

This is mine, my thoughts no one else's

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