TR 10 My NEW Beta n His tank Made by me!

I bought a male beta fish today he's beautiful. hIs name is TR10. i then made his bowl that turned out awesomely i must say. even tho it was my 2nd choice. my first idea had a leak. yeah not so good. so i am gonna have to fix that cause honestly the 1st bowl for tr10 was bling blingin !
Crowntail Betta Fish
The Crowntail Betta is a type of Siamese fighting Fish which has been developed and bred over many years to have a tail with a wide variety of colors and shapes. They are believed to be one of first types of fish to be kept in an aquarium.
As a fighting fish betta have also been made to be more combative in nature. Because of this, it is best to keep only one male in a bowl at the same time as one will kill the other for the terrirory. It is safe to put females in the same tank.
The Crown Tail Betta fish has, as the name suggests, an elaborate and striking tail that makes it different from other Bettas. It looks as though they have points of a crown on their tails.  Females can have just as much color as the males but they rarely have the long fins that is seen with the males.
These crowntail fish are labyrinth fish, which means that they can breathe oxygen directly from the air if their water is polluted or does not have enough oxygen.
The female betta splendens lays the eggs and then the male will pick them up in his mouth and will put them in a bubble nest. The male then guards the eggs right up until they hatch.

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